Small Dealership Growth: How Do I Get Good Processes in Place?

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Developing an effective day-to-day operational Powersports sales processes is not always an easy task. Some dealerships will have an easier time than others, but if you want to grow you do have to figure it out. As a small dealer, the processes that you use for your daily business are going to be different than that of a larger dealership of your kind. Therefore, you really have to get to know what resources are specifically available to you and how you can use them to your advantage.


To develop solid marketing and growth strategies, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Determine what your exact growth goals are and set measurable benchmarks. Goals are useless if they aren’t actionable, after all. By committing yourself to actually accounting for things, you will help yourself develop a solid growth mindset with a strategy that you can use.
  • Stop separating your Internet team. While this used to be an effective practice, dealership sales today should be one dynamic department. Some people may specialize in Internet listings or be more familiar with online processes, but there shouldn’t be completely separate departments anymore.
  • Streamline marketing efforts and strategize based on what the competition is doing. There's no sense in spending all of your energy trying to create the best marketing strategy or find the best way to grow your dealership when someone else has already figured it out. Take advantage of what others have done and work smarter in your growth.
  • Be consistent. The only way that you can get people and processes into routines is to maintain consistency every time you implement or incorporate something new. There are so many different aspects to growth in your Powersports dealership and you have to make sure that everything is effectively maintained along the way. It can be a bit of a balancing act, but when you take advantage of the available resources, it’s a fairly simple process.
  • Take advantage of technology. There are so many great resources that can help your Powersports dealership grow to the next level, and without as much effort as you think. By using technology like CRM and integrated marketing platforms, you will be able to streamline a lot of your efforts and spend less time running your business. This gives you more time to come up with more creative growth and marketing ideas, and of course more time to cultivate those ever-critical customer relationships.

Don't forget to check out our eBooks that have a large amount of information for Powersports Sales Processes for small dealerships.


As a small dealership, you have a lot of growth potential ahead of you. However, with the Powersports sales processes, you also have a lot to learn along the way. Focus on creating consistent, actionable processes that are focused on delivering the results that you want. Work on things like lead generation and creating a dynamic virtual dealership, as well as integrating your sales departments so that there is no more “Internet” distinction.

Small powersports dealership growth

The future of dealerships is integrated, so if nothing else, you can at least start there. Of course, the rest of these tips can set you up to grow far beyond what you might have expected if you use them well. Powersports Sales Process is your go-to.