A Visit From Rocketman St. Nick

’Twas a few days before Christmas; and truth be told
I just was not feeling the season of silver and gold
The team had gone out, there was no one on Slack
But we’d need one more post, to keep numbers on track
So I with my dogs, and bourbon and phone
Settled in for the night; to watch Home Alone
To see if we could find some holiday cheer
Without letting actual human beings get too near
When from my notifications; there arose such a clatter
I opened up Slack to see what was the matter
“We need one more post! Not just any will do!”
And since I know you’re at home, I nominate you!”
Bob’s message received, but the news cycle looked bleak.
I’d need to find some content, far and wide I would seek
I opened a new window to see what is happening
I spotted Rocketman Robert Maddox, on a rocket sled, laughing