Be Where the Traffic Is: Why Digital Retail Is The Future of Powersports

Its Time To Face Reality
It’s time to face reality. Foot traffic is a thing of the past. Fewer & fewer people are just wandering through the doors to see what’s in stock or test drive you’re your latest UTV. Powersports used to generate even more floor traffic than the automotive industry, but now customers and dealers alike are seeing that there is simply nothing to come in and shop for.
Businesses need to learn how to adjust to a changing market and plan for a future that embraces all the other ways of getting people “in the door”. Whether dealers like it or not, the world of digital retail is here and it’s here to stay. Now all they need to do is get with the times!
Be Where the Traffic Is
So, how can dealers develop processes to handle a new way of doing business? You guessed it—it all comes back to focusing on the customer experience. Which includes engaging with customers where they are the most, online! The Internet makes the entire world much more accessible. There are fewer limits and restrictions, and that’s why consumers prefer a smooth online shopping experience.
You need to meet the customer where they are and engage with them in a way that not only works for you but provides the customer with the easiest purchasing process possible. You will also need to adjust your customer experience based on these new traffic methods and set the expectation so that your customer knows what to expect throughout the process. Powersports is a unique industry because there was less availability online before the pandemic. However, it’s now critical to have an online presence to survive in 2022.
Dealers knew it was coming, but the pandemic fast-tracked the process! Now it’s time to shift gears, embrace your traffic, and generate more leads.