Do Not Put Your Kid on an Electric Bike

Yes, they’re fun, fast, and convenient. But motorized vehicles are not for children.
On Memorial Day weekend, my family pulled into a busy campground for a long weekend of outdoor fun. Like many campgrounds in Oregon, this one was in an idyllic spot between a bunch of exciting outdoor activities like rock climbing, floating on the river, mountain biking, hiking, and running on scenic trails.
At 6 and 8, my kids are still pretty small. I took all the usual precautions—lifted a rock and showed them a scorpion; told them to keep their shoes on because of goatheads, also called puncturevine, an invasive prickly plant that can stab itself into your foot and really ruin your day. I put on their hats and smeared sunscreen on their tiny faces. But as they stood by the car, a few slightly older kids—maybe around 8 or 10—whizzed by on what looked like folding Lectric XP bikes.
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