Inventory Management is the Backbone of Your Dealership [Is It Strong Enough to Stand Tall?]

Blog - Power of Inventory

Jason Carlin, Inventory Manager at Edge Performance Sports talks about PSXDigital's Inventory Management holding up as the backbone, where the system fits in overall, and how it helps decompartmentalize his dealership run more efficiently to sell more machines.

The inventory department of a Powersports dealership is really the hub of the rest of the operations. PSX Digital's Inventory Management includes a user and customer-friendly interface and integrates with all other tools within the platform to drive more sales. 

So what is the role of Inventory Management within the overall operations of a dealership?

Jason Carlin knows a thing or two about successfully managing inventory for his store. As the #1 Polaris Dealership in the Northeast, Edge Performance Sports in Ontario, Oregon is also one PSXDigitals' more progressive dealers. In his eight years with the dealership, Jason started on the salesfloor before moving into Internet sales and then advancing into sales management, giving him great insight into how to move more vehicles for greater return on investment. 

I go back a lot to having the right machines in stock because that gives the salespeople the confidence they need to service their customers in every interaction. When a customer calls for a specific machine, we're going to have it and it's going to be ready to go. And if for some reason it's not ready, we also know immediately and we can start figuring out what we need do to make it happen. 

We have all this information, all of this data at our fingertips. For example, when a customer is looking for a machine with a snowplow accessory added, we can open up our CXMAi system to confirm, "Yep, I've got four machines with plows on them." So that customer that called me about snow in the driveway? I know right where to go and get it for them.

Having information at your fingertips is an astronomical advantage and gives the salespeople absolute confidence.

Given all of the information within the platform gives salespeople all of the knowledge they need to make sure that they are the sales authority, they are able to be professional and able to answer any customer inquiries that may arise. And in turn, we have everything available and ready to go for anything that may arise.