Labor shortages continue post-pandemic

With the COVID−19 pandemic now downgraded to an endemic level, meaning the virus will be around for years to come, the post-pandemic business world is still in flux. There were more than 100 million cases and 1.1 million deaths in the U.S. alone during the pandemic. But the World Health Organization has assured us that the worst is over.
In the powersports industry, we had to grapple with being short-staffed or employees working from home, as the world suddenly had the time and money to spend on our products. It was only a short time before dealers were overwhelmed with new business, and returning riders entered the fray as supply chains were stretched to the maximum.
As we take a breath from surviving the past three years, we face new challenges. How will you keep all the new customers you gained, and can you top the sales numbers from the previous year?
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