Good Data Hygiene

How to Ensure Good Data Hygiene in your Powersports Dealership
Your customer database is a critical tool. It ensures that you’re able to reach your audience and maximize the value of your existing customers. That’s crucial at all times, but particularly so in situations where you have little or no control and your business is in danger. However, your customer database is only as useful as it is clean and dirty data can cause major headaches, hassles, and even cost you money. Not sure how to go about cleaning up your information? We’ll walk you through important steps for ensuring good Powersports data hygiene.
First, you need to set expectations for your team. What are the KPIs that apply here? How will you measure data quality? Who is responsible for entering data and how will it be cleaned if there is an issue? When will your data be audited? Who will be held responsible for dirty data and what will the ramifications be? Make sure that you have solid expectations set for your entire team so that everyone is on the same page.
This tip might sound simple, but it’s more challenging than you might think. In order to protect the health of your database, you need to keep dirty data out. That requires a strategic plan and ensuring that your entire team is on board. Make sure that everyone is clear on what information fields are required, and how common types of information will be entered into the system. Create a standard operating procedure (SOP) for entering customer information into your database. This is a start to good Powersports data hygiene
One of the most common types of ‘dirty data’ isn’t necessarily dirty, but duplicated information. Duplicate entries partially duplicated entries, and other problematic information must be identified and then removed.
Don’t assume that data entered into your system is accurate. Just because there are no obvious typos doesn’t mean that it is correct. Verify all data. This can be time-consuming and challenging, but there are automation tools that can help. What information should you verify? All of it. Make sure that the customer name goes with the physical address provided. Make sure that email addresses and phone numbers are valid. Everything should be verified for accuracy and completeness.
One way to help reduce errors, at least on the part of your employees, is to ensure accountability across the system. If form fields are not completely filled out, hold the team member who entered the data accountable. If numbers are inaccurate, or there are typos in an address, name, or email address, hold the team member accountable.
With these steps, you’ll find that your database is cleaner, more valuable, and better able to support your success. This is why it is important to put Powersports data hygiene at the forefront at all times.