Climbing to the Next Level: WHERE DO WE START?

Are you ready to move up?
As a small Powersports dealer, your only way to go is up. However, knowing that you need Powersports growth action is easier than actually figuring out how to do it. That is what has probably led you here. Luckily, you’re in the right place to learn all about how to get started on your growth journey, whether you’re looking to make a big leap or just trying to grow steadily over time.
Before you can make changes, you have to know where things currently stand. You need to take an assessment of your Powersports dealership, including your online presence and how that is impacting or affecting your overall Powersports growth action. Take the time to figure out where you stand, what your customers want to see, and how you can deliver that to them. After all, if you want to grow, you need your customers to invest in your brand. It would only make sense to give them what they want so that they’ll remain loyal as you grow into a bigger dealership over time.
If you’re going to build your dealership, you have to know how to market it appropriately. The methods and guidelines are different for different-sized businesses. It may also depend on the industry that you’re in as to what kind of marketing practices are best. For example, while you can advertise cars just about anywhere, Powersports marketing has to be targeted in order to reach the right audience.
One quick way to get the information that you need is to check out the competition. See what kind of tools and tricks they are using to grow their business. Find out what is taking them to the next level and copy it. There's no reason to reinvent the wheel, after all, if someone else has already mastered the art of success. You can use their experience to your advantage and save your own marketing efforts, and budget, in the meantime.
One of the biggest remaining dividers between big dealerships and small ones is that small dealerships often still have the dreaded “Internet Team” on staff. This team may seem like a helpful resource, but what it actually does is divides the dealership and creates too much back-and-forth between sales reps for customers. Because so much of the commerce today is integrated, your dealership needs to integrate as well. Have one sales department and make sure that everyone knows how to handle Internet customers and transactions. Utilizing a solid goal to put forth a Powersports growth action plan you will be growing in no time!
One of the ways that you can do this is by implementing a solid CRM platform that offers both customer management and marketing and lead generation solutions for your Powersports dealership. There are scalable solutions available for dealerships of every size, so be sure to take advantage of what’s out there and find the best options for your dealership. When it comes to growth, you can’t go anywhere until you know where you’re headed.