This Honda-Powered Fiat 1100 on Unimog Portal Axles Is a 4X4 Freakshow

Fasten your harness and buckle your helmet, this Fiat is a party on four wheels. This isn’t the first time John Martinson has thrashed on a Fiat 1100 fitted with a Honda engine and Unimog axles. He wheeled a similar rig during Four Wheeler’s 2014 Top Truck Challenge, where despite being an alternate he demonstrated…

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Iconic Meyers Manx Dune Buggy Gets Remastered With Body Upgrades

The Meyers Manx Remastered dune buggy kit has modern features like… a trunk that locks. Depending on your age, if you hear the phrase “dune buggy,” chances are there is one specific vehicle that comes to mind: the Meyers Manx. Back in the early 1960s, surfer, engineer, and boat builder Bruce Meyers realized that driving…

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