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Modern Retail Dealership

Empowering Retail Dealerships in the Digital Age: Adapting to the New Customer Paradigm

By jennifer / June 27, 2024
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Transparency, responsiveness, informativeness, friendliness, and helpfulness are the attributes retail dealership customers have always wanted. It’s what we all want anytime we go to a store to buy anything.  When…

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Dealership Training Tactics

Seven Dealership Training Tactics to Enhance Processes

By jennifer / June 14, 2024
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One thing that I always believe in, and I know most people will agree, is that a company’s greatest asset is its staff. A knowledgeable and skilled employee earns their…

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Use CRM to Automate Daily Tasks

Ways Dealerships Can Use CRM to Automate Daily Tasks

By jennifer / June 14, 2024
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Are you tired of drowning in paperwork and manual tasks at your dealership? Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems can be your lifeline, automating mundane daily tasks and freeing up your…

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Daily Dealership Routines

Why Effective Daily Routines are Necessary for A Successful Dealership

By jennifer / June 14, 2024
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What makes a top-notch dealership stand out from the crowd? It’s all about those effective daily routines. Having smooth operations is key. And that’s where daily routines come in. They’re…

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Training Junior Staff

Mistakes to Avoid when Training Junior Staff on TO (Turn Over) Strategies

By jennifer / June 14, 2024
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Let’s talk about a topic that can rev up our performance and customer satisfaction: training junior staff on TO (Turn Over) strategies. It’s a crucial part of our dealership world,…

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Dealerships Should Leverage Technology

Innovative Ways Dealerships Can Leverage Technology for Better Results

By jennifer / June 14, 2024
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Thanks to technological advancements, we have unraveled actions we never thought possible, like ordering food with a few taps or video chatting with friends across the globe. And guess what?…

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Dealership Coaching Techniques

Proven Dealership Coaching Techniques to Increase Sales

By jennifer / June 14, 2024
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Why are we in business in the first place? To make money, right? And how do we do that? Sales, friend! But here’s the thing; it’s not just about making…

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Building a Strong Dealership Culture

Five Tips for Building a Strong Dealership Culture

By jennifer / June 7, 2024
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Welcome back, dealership leaders! In today’s competitive world, creating a stable and reliant dealership culture is far from a want, but a need today. Developing a conducive environment for your…

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Streamline Dealership Processes

How to Streamline Dealership Processes for Maximum Efficiency

By jennifer / June 7, 2024
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Welcome back, dealers! In an industry that demands your time and effort, streamlining operations in your dealership is a necessity. Undeniably, efficient operations make the primary difference between soaring success…

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Innovative Processes for Dealerships

Must-Try Innovative Processes for Dealerships

By jennifer / June 7, 2024
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In an era where change is the only constant, traditional methods like sign spinners for adverts cannot yield much-needed results. Instead, dealers need to be progressive, adopt new innovative processes,…

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