How Good is Your CRM Solution? Your Customer Retention Rates Can Tell You

customer retention rate

If your CRM is lacking, you’ll know. Typically, you’ll know because customers will slowly fade into the background and often never return for a second purchase, for one reason or another. You’ll know because people are unsubscribing from your marketing campaigns because they’re intrusive or just not engaging. You’ll know because you don’t have the dynamic, seamless transaction from start to finish that today’s customers demand.

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Your Database Can Carry Your Dealership Further Than You Think in Slow Times

Database Marketing

Eventually, this is going to slow down. For some dealers, it probably already has. When that happens, you can’t just wait for another rush. You’ve got to find a way to keep the business coming, and when things are slow you want to do it on a shoestring budget if you can. The secret here isn’t a secret at all. You need to have a solid database in place so that you can rely on it in slow times.

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Customer Retention: 4 Things You Might Be Missing

customer retention

If you’re struggling with customer retention, you might just be missing the mark in a few key areas. Although these things aren’t directly tied to the customer, they’re all about making your dealership a better choice for the customer.

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