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online powersports sale with online sales

The Customer Buying Journey

By / March 13, 2020
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Ever since the first bicycles came about a handful of scientists always searched on how to make transportation easier & more effective. Did you ever wonder when the motorcycles came around or from? We have an Infographic we created just for you to view the timeline of Motorcycle History!

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motorcycle history

Timeline of Motorcycles!

By / March 11, 2020
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Ever since the first bicycles came about a handful of scientists always searched on how to make transportation easier & more effective. Did you ever wonder when the motorcycles came around or from? We have an Infographic we created just for you to view the timeline of Motorcycle History!

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internet sales blog post

Harnessing the True Power of Internet Sales Staff!

By / March 10, 2020
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While car dealers have been working with online transactions for some time now, many Powersports dealerships are just getting on board with a virtual showroom. Your Internet department is only as good as you set them up to be. Don’t overlook the new change in customer behavior at your Powersports Dealerships! Powersports Internet Sales is the new age!

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3 wheeler atv

How the ATV Came Alive!

By / February 24, 2020
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Ever wonder about the history of the ATV? When did it become introduced to the public and how did it evolve? We have answers for you! Check out the timeline of the ATV machine from the beginning. Learn a bit of history and where the famous ATV is heading.

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powersports sales tactics

To Trade or Not to Trade: Help Your Customers Find the Perfect Timing

By / February 15, 2020
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Having equity in a unit simply means that someone has paid for the unit, either partially or in full, and therefore they have some degree of ownership. If you own your Powersports equipment outright, you have 100% equity.

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powersports unit trades

Negative Equity 101: A Primer for Powersports Sales Teams

By / February 10, 2020
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Understanding how equity works is going to make a big difference in how successful you are with trades and how well your sales team does in bringing in the best units while also giving customers the deals that they deserve.

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Powersports Equity

Powersports Equity: What it is and How to Explain it to Customers

By / February 10, 2020
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Understanding how equity works is going to make a big difference in how successful you are with trades and how well your sales team does in bringing in the best units while also giving customers the deals that they deserve.

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powersports seo data

Powersports Analytics: How to Interpret Data and Correctly Gauge Metrics

By / January 30, 2020
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You can’t just look at a single statistic or set of data on its own. When it comes to analytics, you have to be taking a comprehensive look at the bigger picture. Taking the time and looking at the right data can really help you succeed in taking the next level.

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The Benefits of Tracking User Experience Metrics

By / January 30, 2020
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When it comes to tracking user experience, there are three major areas where you will want to focus: usability, engagement, and conversion. By turning engaged visitors into conversions, you’ll be able to lead them through the sales journey with ease.

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powersports analytics

Is Your Powersports Dealership Using the Right Analytics?

By / January 30, 2020
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The performance of your website is what really matters. At the end of the day, if your virtual dealership isn’t living up to its potential, nothing else you do matters.

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