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Modern Retail Dealership

Empowering Retail Dealerships in the Digital Age: Adapting to the New Customer Paradigm

Transparency, responsiveness, informativeness, friendliness, and helpfulness are the attributes retail dealership customers have always wanted. It’s what we all want anytime we go to a store to buy anything.  When I started in the business in the early ’80s, the retail dealership industry was far…

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Dealership Training Tactics

Seven Dealership Training Tactics to Enhance Processes

One thing that I always believe in, and I know most people will agree, is that a company’s greatest asset is its staff. A knowledgeable and skilled employee earns their weight in gold, especially in an industry as dynamic as ours. This calls for effective…

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Use CRM to Automate Daily Tasks

Ways Dealerships Can Use CRM to Automate Daily Tasks

Are you tired of drowning in paperwork and manual tasks at your dealership? Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems can be your lifeline, automating mundane daily tasks and freeing up your team to focus on what drives your business, selling cars, and keeping customers satisfied. In…

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Effective Dealership Coaching Strategies

Five Effective Dealership Coaching Strategies from Industry Experts

You might ask yourself, “How can I boost my dealership’s performance?” Well, buckle up because we’re diving into the galaxy of coaching strategies that can propel your dealership to new heights. After the tumultuous shake-up of the past few years, dealerships have had to reinvent…

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Training Junior Staff

Mistakes to Avoid when Training Junior Staff on TO (Turn Over) Strategies

Let’s talk about a topic that can rev up our performance and customer satisfaction: training junior staff on TO (Turn Over) strategies. It’s a crucial part of our dealership world, and getting it right can make all the difference in how smoothly our operations run….

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Train Your Salespeople

How to Train Your Salespeople to Be Proactive on The Dealership Floor

Hey there, dealership leaders, ready to turn your sales team into a proactive powerhouse? Great! In the high-energy world of dealership sales, being proactive is the secret sauce. Train your salespeople to be proactive on the dealership floor to seriously improve their performance, customer satisfaction,…

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Dealership Coaching Techniques

Proven Dealership Coaching Techniques to Increase Sales

Why are we in business in the first place? To make money, right? And how do we do that? Sales, friend! But here’s the thing; it’s not just about making sales in dealerships. It’s about making more sales, beating the competition, and keeping your team…

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Building a Strong Dealership Culture

Five Tips for Building a Strong Dealership Culture

Welcome back, dealership leaders! In today’s competitive world, creating a stable and reliant dealership culture is far from a want, but a need today. Developing a conducive environment for your employees to grow their skills results in better performance and improved customer satisfaction. So, how…

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Streamline Dealership Processes

How to Streamline Dealership Processes for Maximum Efficiency

Welcome back, dealers! In an industry that demands your time and effort, streamlining operations in your dealership is a necessity. Undeniably, efficient operations make the primary difference between soaring success and going under. When you streamline dealership processes, you can save time, reduce costs, and…

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Innovative Processes for Dealerships

Must-Try Innovative Processes for Dealerships

In an era where change is the only constant, traditional methods like sign spinners for adverts cannot yield much-needed results. Instead, dealers need to be progressive, adopt new innovative processes, and technologies that improve customer experiences, ultimately, increasing sales.  From leveraging digital tools to rethinking…

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Social Media Marketing

A Guide to Social Media Marketing for Dealerships

The most effective marketing strategy of all time is targeting people where they already are, making social media a sensational spot to drive your marketing campaigns and sales. However, you have to first master the intricacies of social media marketing to engage with your prospective…

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Excellent Coaching in Dealerships

Benefits of Excellent Coaching in Dealerships

Welcome dealers to our dealership coaching class 101! We cannot overstate the undeniable power of excellent coaching in dealerships, especially in the fast-paced sales landscape. Coaching transcends managerial duties, by transforming good teams into great ones and uplifting your dealership to new heights. In addition,…

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Engage and Retain Customers

How Dealerships Can Engage and Retain Customers

The dealership market is highly competitive, which requires dealers to implement appropriate strategies to engage and retain customers. The trick to having return clients and building brand loyalty lies in the quality of your service delivery. While it may seem difficult to build these lasting…

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Implementing CRM for improved customer service

How to Implement CRM and Improve Sales in Dealerships

Client satisfaction is currently at the center of most vehicle dealership operations. Referrals from happy clients are the best way to grow your dealership. The game enhancer for most companies has been to implement CRM. Undeniably, CRM systems have not only helped vehicle dealerships deliver…

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Strong Dealership Team

How to Build a Strong Dealership Team Through Leadership and Training

A high-performing sales team is the dream team for most dealerships, especially in the current competitive market where dealerships must stand out. While a competent sales team drives dealerships to success, building a strong dealership team will need a carefully executed strategy. A dealership’s performance…

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enhancing customer experience

A Comprehensive Guide to Enhancing Customer Experience in Dealerships

Customer experience generally refers to the range of emotions clients experience during their engagements with a business. For dealerships interested in enhancing customer experience, it primarily involves practical, digital, and in-person experience. These range from showroom atmosphere to website functionality and quality service delivery.  For…

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Effective Dealership Management

Effective Management Techniques to Boost Dealership Operations

The car dealership industry is constantly evolving with consumer preferences and technological innovations. Dealerships must be strategic in running their businesses. By implementing effective management techniques that streamline operations and enhance customer satisfaction, you can boost your dealership’s performance and increase sales.  Now, join us…

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Future of Dealership Management

Understanding The Future of Dealership Management with CRM

While most dealerships have integrated Dealer Management Systems into their business system, they still must update their systems to keep up with technological innovations. Additionally, the growing technological innovations in the dealership industry are continuously evolving to accommodate consumer behavior, market trends, and industry challenges….

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Maximizing Dealership Efficiency

Five Tips from Industry Experts on Maximizing Dealership Efficiency

The auto retail industry is experiencing transformations leading to unprecedented erratic changes. As an example, dealerships are achieving historically high profits from strategies that offer improved dealership efficiency. Whereas these changes have benefited other companies, they have also been a source of instability for others…

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Proactive Management Techniques

How Proactive Management Techniques Can Boost Vehicle Dealership Sales

In today’s world of vehicle dealerships, adopting proactive management techniques is not only necessary to enhance dealership sales and operations, but also to improve customer relationships.   In any case, it’s not just about overseeing the vast expanses of vehicle dealership operations but engaging directly…

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Dealership Sales Strategies

Understanding How Digital Tools Impact Sales Strategies in the Vehicle Dealership World

In the transformative world of the vehicle dealership industry, adapting to change isn’t just beneficial. In fact, it’s crucial for survival. The digital revolution has launched an array of innovative tools and technologies that have significantly transformed traditional sales strategies within the vehicle dealership universe. …

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Proactive "TO" Strategies

A Comprehensive Guide on “TO” (Turn Over) Strategies in Vehicle Dealership Sales

Vehicle dealerships sticking to outdated reactive management risk losing customers to competitors using proactive management techniques. Embracing a proactive stance, especially in critical sales tactics like “TO” Strategies, can dramatically boost customer satisfaction and propel sales figures.  This blog shows how pivoting from a reactive…

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Vehicle Dealership Management

Your Guide to Stellar Meetings through Strategic Planning in Vehicle Dealership Management

Navigating the world of vehicle dealership management requires a keen eye on strategic planning. It’s the rocket fuel for your sales and long-term prosperity. Central to this mission is effective meetings, the launchpads that align team trajectories, optimize operations, and champion a culture of relentless…

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Positive Team Meetings 

How To Transform Your Vehicle Dealership Culture with the Power of Positive Meetings

The vehicle dealership culture you foster serves as a pivotal factor in enhancing employee satisfaction and securing enduring customer allegiance. To begin, improving your vehicle dealership’s culture starts with one dynamic tool: positive meetings. These aren’t just gatherings; they’re fuel injections that propel your team…

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Vehicle Dealership Management

How To Harness Technology and Enhance Vehicle Dealership Management

Navigating the competitive landscape of vehicle dealership sales, modern dealerships are finding that the integration of cutting-edge technology is not just a luxury, but a fundamental element for survival and success in vehicle dealership management. Much like a high-speed race, this industry demands agility, precision,…

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dealership sales meeting

Step by Step Guide to Boosting Morale in Your Dealership Sales Meetings

In today’s dynamic business landscape, where the pace is as fast as a sports car on the open highway, dealership sales meetings have evolved. No longer just mundane number-crunching sessions, sales meetings now serve as strategic arenas where goals are set, progress is assessed, and…

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Revamping Vehicle Dealership Strategies for Success in A Transformative Era

In the dynamic landscape of vehicle dealerships, where inflation and shifting consumer behaviors challenge the market, the opportunity for innovation and success has never been greater. The challenges stemming from rising costs, evolving consumer preferences, and an increasingly competitive market have forced the rethinking of…

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Leadership in the vehicle dealership industry

How to Accelerate Sales Through Leadership and Innovation in the Vehicle Dealership Industry

In the vehicle dealership industry, the road to success is paved with change, from tech advancements and shifting consumer preferences to evolving economic factors. Suppose you’re a vehicle dealership owner or sales manager. In that case, you’re navigating this landscape at full throttle, seeking new…

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vehicle dealership marketing

Mastering Vehicle Dealership Marketing with the Power of Email, Automation, and AI

When you think about the future, images of flying cars, robotic assistants, and digital realities might spring to mind. But even more captivating is the seamless vehicle-buying experience currently reshaping the vehicle dealership industry. Email marketing, automation, and artificial intelligence (AI) are thrusting this industry…

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Post-Pandemic Recovery

Post-Pandemic Recovery Navigation for Vehicle Dealerships

As we drift further from the COVID-19 pandemic, which began back in 2020, the landscape for vehicle dealerships has drastically morphed. Consumer behavior and purchasing patterns shifted like tectonic plates during an earthquake, revealing new territories of demand and opportunities.   Four years into these shifts,…

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Cars in need of strategies to sell old inventory

Maximizing Profits with 7 Strategies to Sell Old Inventory in the Vehicle Dealership Industry

The vehicle dealership industry is currently navigating a period of unprecedented change. Factors such as rising inflation, ongoing challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic, and evolving consumer preferences are reshaping the landscape of vehicle sales. These shifts are compelling vehicle dealerships to reevaluate their traditional sales…

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Inventory Turnover

Mastering Inventory Turnover and Building a Thriving Dealership

In the ultra-competitive orbit of vehicle and powersports sales, the quick fix of price slashing can lead to a black hole where customer expectations and profitability diminish. Instead, the mission should be to adopt innovative tactics that propel inventory turnover while maintaining financial health. This…

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Inflation impact on inventory management strategies

Mastering Inventory Management Strategies in Vehicle Dealerships Amid Inflation

As we chart our course through the economic cosmos, inflation has re-emerged with vigor, particularly impacting the vehicle dealership sectors.  Therefore, necessitating advanced inventory management strategies. Known for their inventory-heavy and capital-intensive operations, these industries are under pressure. Rising costs for parts and materials inflate…

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Powersports Market

Mastering Inventory Management Strategies in The Powersports Market

In the unpredictable terrain of the powersports market, dealerships today face challenges that feel like navigating a high-speed slalom course. Supply chain disruptions, increasing costs, and changing customer expectations all demand constant attention. However internal pitfalls, such as poor inventory management, can also threaten profitability. …

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How Inventory Shortages Can Be Solved

Going to the auctions for used inventory is like playing the lottery. Maybe you get lucky and get a prime front-line ready vehicle but, most likely, you won’t. With the hyper-competitive market that we are in for dealerships to have cars on their lot to…

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upgraded sales process

Using Technology to Upgrade Your Sales Process

Marketing is the first touchpoint in the customer journey. Therefore, it makes sense that it plays an integral role in helping to define the sales process. The sale starts with the first contact and that impression is one that can make all the difference in your success. Every customer has a different need or expectation.

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sales process and marketing

Redefining the Sales Process: How Marketing Can Help

Marketing is the first touchpoint in the customer journey. Therefore, it makes sense that it plays an integral role in helping to define the sales process. The sale starts with the first contact and that impression is one that can make all the difference in your success. Every customer has a different need or expectation.

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Evolving Sales Process

Keeping Up With the Competition: How You Can Step Up Your Sales Game

Sales technology and the sales process are evolving and it’s time that you got on board if you haven’t already. The pandemic forced brands into a lot of changes without giving them time to decide how they felt. Now, it’s time to step back and reassess as the dust begins to settle.

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ineffective sales process

Breaking Away from Bad Habits and Ineffective Sales Processes

In today’s sales world, things are changing whether you like it or not. Instead of balking, the best thing that you can do is lean into it. Part of that is breaking away from all of those old ineffective solutions and bad habits that you’ve let sit for so long.

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user reviews

The Power of User Reviews in Powersports SEO: It’s All About Making the Best Impression

People are no longer looking for things to buy. They’re looking for relationships to build and connections they can make. Sure, they’d love to pick up that new ATV model, but more importantly, they’d love to find a dealership that they can work with now and in the future for all of their wants and needs in the powersports industry.

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seo brand management

How to Use Social Media for SEO Brand Management

Social media is all about giving people the connection that they want to your brand on a personal, connected level. It’s about creating a persona and using that persona to reach out and connect to people.

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brand management

Boost Your Reputation and SEO with Off-Page Content and Brand Management

It’s easy for any website to say they’re the best. Of course, your Powersports brand is going to try to position itself as the top choice in the area, and maybe even in the entire industry. That just comes with the territory of building a website and marketing a brand.

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media rankings

How Your Reputation Can Affect Search Engine Rankings

There are a lot of elements that are affected by your reputation, including your bottom line. In a highly competitive market like the one we have today, your reputation is the only thing that sets you apart.

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reputation seo

Does Your Reputation Matter to SEO? What Powersports Brands Need to Know

More than 37% of users reported that a review was the reason that they opted to visit a website. People like information from other people. Make sure that your reviews are cultivating the right reputation for your brand because this is a big part of your overall success in optimization.

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seo analytics

Powersports SEO Analytics: Not Monitoring Campaigns is a Huge Mistake

Sometimes, the best way to learn how to do something is to learn what to avoid. In the case of developing a solid search engine optimization strategy for your Powersports brand, one of the biggest mistakes that people make is not following up on their efforts.

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seo sitemap

Your Powersports Website Sitemap is the Key to the SEO Kingdom

One of the biggest mistakes that people make when it comes to search engine optimization is overlooking the value of their sitemap, or even realizing that they need one at all.

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website seo

Black Hat SEO and How it Can Ruin Your Motorsports Brand

Black hat SEO tactics are those that should be avoided at all costs. These are seen by search engines as manipulative methods for increasing rankings and are not a credible way to build a proper SEO strategy.

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black hat seo

Common SEO Mistakes: The Five Biggest Things to Avoid with Powersports SEO

A simple search will produce dozens of results for articles, blogs, and lists of the biggest and worst mistakes of search engine optimization.

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seo mistakes

Learn From Others’ Mistakes to Succeed in Your Powersports SEO Strategy

There is a lot of value in learning from those who came before you. In all of the information that you find online regarding how to effectively implement SEO, some of the best insight you’ll find is what others are doing wrong.

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monitoring seo

Why Monitoring is an Integral Part of Your Powersports SEO Implementation

SEO is a process. It’s a process that, once started, will not have an end. The sheer nature of SEO is that it will remain in place until or unless you change it.

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seo tips

Tips for Implementing Effective Powersports SEO

There are no two SEO strategies that are going to be the same. This marketing process in and of itself is inherently designed to be customized to the exact needs of a specific brand or business.

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duplicate seo

The Dangers of Duplicate Content When Optimizing Your Powersports Website

There are a lot of different elements to SEO, but they all center around one thing: providing a reputable, authoritative solution for the end-user.

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seo strategy

Prioritizing Your Powersports SEO Strategy

There is a lot that goes into effective SEO, but when it comes to building a strategy, every single brand is going to have different priorities.

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effective seo

Why Research Matters for Effective Powersports SEO Implementation

When it comes to implementing SEO, research and planning are going to set the foundation in so many ways.

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powersports reputation management

How Your Reputation Can Affect Your SEO Efforts

SEO isn’t just about keywords anymore. It’s an entire process that entails several elements, and search engines are constantly looking for the best and brightest to be ranked at the top.

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effective seo strategy

How to Develop an Effective SEO Strategy for Your Motorsports Business

There are a lot of different ways to go about tackling the beast that is SEO. If you’ve already taken the time to learn a little bit about search engine optimization and how it works, it will be easy for you to get started.

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Powersports SEO Tips and Common Mistakes to Avoid

While knowing the right way is important, sometimes it’s more valuable to know what you should avoid when implementing something like SEO. Some things could go poorly if they aren’t well-executed. There are other things that you want to avoid at all costs.

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Powersports SEO is Much More Than Keywords

To succeed with search engine optimization, you have to understand all that it entails. This is not a single tool that you will use, but an entire strategy and process that needs to be carefully planned and executed to ensure optimal results.

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PSXDigital and ALMA

Accountability & ALMA – How this technology can help you capitalize on effeciency & effectiveness.

Watch Edge Performance explain how ALMA can benefit your powersports dealership on accountability & efficiency while still maintaining a high level 2-way conversation with their customers!

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Vlog - Desking Efficacy

Innovative Desking Technology Helps Take Powersports Dealerships to the Next Level

Rob Palomarez, Sales Manager at Edge Performance Sports in Ontario, OR talks about the innovative features of PSXDigital’s CXMAi Desking tool, helping him improve the efficacy of the sales process and move more machines more efficiently and with better customer satisfaction.

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Blog - Power of Inventory

Inventory Management is the Backbone of Your Dealership [Is It Strong Enough to Stand Tall?]

Jason Carlin, Inventory Manager at Edge Performance Sports, talks about PSXDigital’s +Inventory Management platform holding up as the backbone of his store operations, breaking down the departmental walls, and helping to run his dealership more efficiently to ultimately sell more machines.

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Blog - Power of Inventory

The Power of Inventory Management Technology at Your Fingertips

Jason Carlin, Inventory Manager at Edge Performance Sports, talks about superior accessibility and efficiency of PSXDigital’s +Inventory Management platform.

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Blog - Inventory Strategy

Aggressive Inventory Management with Proactive Technology

Jason Carlin, Inventory Manager at Edge Performance Sports, talks about how PSXDigital’s CXMAi Inventory Management helps him monetize inventory without spending more.

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Blog - Inventory Strategy

Monetize Your Dealership’s Powersports Inventory [Without Spending More Money!]

Jason Carlin, Inventory Manager at Edge Performance Sports, talks about how PSXDigital’s CXMAi Inventory Management helps him monetize inventory without spending more.

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Blog - Inventory Strategy

Creating an Inventory Strategy for Profitable Results in Powersports

Jason Carlin, Inventory Manager at EDGE PERFORMANCE SPORTS shares a few creative tips that he uses to design a winning inventory strategy using PSXDigitals’ CXMAi +Inventory Management platform.

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Blog - Inventory Turning

How to Carry the Right Inventory at the Right Time [and Keep it Turning!]

Jason Carlin, Inventory Manager at Edge Performance Sports, talks about how he ensures stocking the right inventory at the right time – and how to keep it turning.

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Interview - Inventory Challenges

Overcoming Inventory Challenges Specific to Powersports with CXMAi

Jason Carlin, Inventory Manager at Edge Performance Sports, talks about specific challenges to managing inventory in Powersports and how PSXDigital’s Inventory Management and CXMAi platform has resolved those issues.

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Vlog - G-Force Powersports

G-Force Powersports Shares 5 Advantages to Using the PSXDigital Platform Over their Previous System

Don Werner, Sales Manager at G-Force Powersports in Colorado, cuts to the chase in his assessment of the all-in-one CXMAi platform.

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Harley-Davidson Glendale Video Thumb

Harley-Davidson Glendale Validates Decision to Choose PSX with Early Results

Daniel Vartanian, General Manager of Glendale Harley-Davidson, discusses the reasons behind their decision to implement the PSX Digital system, as well as the results they are already seeing.

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Managing the Value of Customer Information

The information that’s going into the system in some cases, I mean poll numbers, email addresses, the customer’s name, this is standard information, but how can a salesperson utilize the data entry to make a better experience for themselves when these customer records do come back up when they do have to continue down the sales process? Is there a good way and a bad way to put information into the system?

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Sales Process Helps Production Between Showroom Customers

As a salesperson, we’ve talked a lot about how this is incorporated into the customer facing time. How is this changing the way a salesperson functions when they’re not dealing with one, two, or three customers at the same time. When they’ve got that “down time” when they’re not in front of a customer, how is this changing their routine at that point?

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Sales Automation Helps You Stand Out

Now, from a salesperson standpoint, again, my greatest asset as a salesperson is my personality, my ability to be unique from other salespeople, whether they’re working with me at the same store or across town. I want the customer to remember me. How does the salesperson preserve that aspect if suddenly we’re doing so much of this in an automated fashion that salespeople become almost cookie cutter? Does that happen?

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Sales Staff Push Back

Is there pushback from a sales manager when adapting to a modern CRM and Automated Sales Process? Not if they understand how it helps THEM, too!

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CRM Provides Sales and Managers Better Teamwork

Now all of a sudden as a salesperson, I can genuinely start to believe that the manager really is there to help me not to be a watchdog but to be a co-salesperson in the effort.

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Salespeople are Made Better with a Sales Process

Now, I will admit that the very best sales people, regardless of the industry, the best salespeople have certain things that they do that maybe everyone else doesn’t do. They have a certain style, or a pattern that they follow, and from what you’re saying, we’re not trying to disrupt that entirely. A salesperson can still have what makes him a great salesperson incorporated into this, but the fundamentals of the sales process are left to the control of management and the owner of the dealership, correct?

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Introducing the Customer to Mobile Sales Technology

If a salesperson pulls out a mobile phone when greeting a customer, does the customer perceive it as a distraction or is it seen as being on the cutting-edge of technology? Is it a sign that the dealership is current with the modern age and are using tools to serve them better? Or is it just rude!?!

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Necessity or Redundancy

Another thing that the sales force was not necessarily doing that well was handling the calls, the incoming calls and things, so we created business development centers. BDC was going to be the answer, and that was going to be our end-all be-all to fix things, but really the BDC is not an automatic problem solver.

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Digital Marketing Friend or Enemy?

When you’ve got all this information, a dealer has a tool in place that collected this information, the natural tendency is, “I’m gonna blast these people with all kinds of emails and they’re gonna hear from me all the time. What a great way! I’m gonna have my name in front of them,” but that can be the death of your process, as well.

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A Salesperson’s Buy-in

I’m with you every step of the way, so if things start to look like they’re getting out of control, I can step in and help. If I don’t know where you’re at in the process, I can’t. So, again, you’re making my life easier.

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The Perpetual Involvement of Sales Floor Automation

Sales floor automation technology helps improve the natural dealership process while keeping management informed of activity. Larry Bruce tells us how.

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Irrefutable Importance of the Mobile Phone

Now you talked a lot about customers and the ways that we have historically gotten in touch with them and things like that. And you’re right, everybody now has a mobile phone, but are we still utilizing the wrong channels to get a hold of our customers?

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Inventory Management in Powersports

You mentioned something about inventory; inventory management. Why is inventory management such a vital part? Such a primary aspect of your financial success as a dealer?

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CRM – Tool or Process

We’ve been working with CRM tools, at least in the automotive industry for the last 30 years. And here we are again talking about it. You would think we would be like done with it by now, right?

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Start of the Sales Process

Somebody can get online, they can look in two, three, four places, but when they finally do come through your door, you need to earn their business, because they’ve already done their shopping.  You’re probably going to contend with some misinformation that they’ve gathered on their own, or thought they gathered on their own.

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Trade Cycles

If you sell someone a car one month and their spouse comes in and buys another one 2 months later, you’re not exactly going to sell them another vehicle for a while.  But I would think that with Powersports, these new things come out; you mention accessories and even primary equipment. It’s an opportunity to be a little more aggressive than you could be with retail Automotive Sales.

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Digital Communication

It seems like for a salesperson managing their contact information, there are some similarities to retail Automotive.  I would think that in both Industries the sales person that waits around for the door to sway and the phone to ring is going to be in last place.  It sounds like there are opportunities to be very aggressive about contacting people because they want these new things. They’re not afraid to buy them.  Is that true?

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Automotive VS Powersports

We spent a lot of time dealing with Automotive dealerships over the past 20 years and helping them with customer relationship Management systems. But really honestly, what do you think is different when it comes to Powersports? Why is it such a different atmosphere and a different venue from what we’ve done in the past?

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Customer Loyalty

Do you see a lot of loyalty to the individual sales person the way you did in automotive? And, do you see a level of loyalty to the individual store?

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Competitive Advantage

What can a salesperson do?  What does a salesperson need to change about their day in day out activities to take advantage of that, if you will?  If it’s that way for them, it’s that way for everyone.

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